
Monday, January 28, 2013

Read to Feed

In the summer we do this fun reading program
 It's through Heifer International. This was our 2nd summer doing the reading program and the kids loved it.
 We set a goal to read 100 books. Everyone brought books from home, and I think we read almost every book from our library in town.
 When your register with Heifer they send you a package that helps you get started with your reading program, my package came with enough stuff to last me a few years since my group is so small and the package is made for a large class.
The kids fully understand that we are reading to raise money to buy a animal for a family who dosen't have access to food and water the same way we do. I do activties throughout the summer to help the kids understand how much work it takes to get grow food and get clean water. We even grew a small veggie garden from seed so we could see how long it takes to grow your own food.
 At the end of the summer we had a lemonade stand to raise a bit more money on top of what the children had collected from family and friends. In order to purchase an animal to donate to a family in need.
                               They made poster's explaining what Heifer is all about. 
 They worked so hard all summer and raised enough money to order a goat for a family!! I can't wait to do it again this summer with them.


Sometimes we

Sometimes we

Serve ourselves snack

I have everything set up for the kids.

I quickly ask them to wash their hands and while they are doing that I go over the directions.

Stand in line, no pushing, wait your turn, read the the signs, if you can't ask what they say, then take you bowl to the table, once you have your food you may come back and get a drink. 

They love it. They work well together and often end up helping each other.
Then I stand back and try to force myself to not to step and remember the
 Maria Montessori quote
"Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed"
So very true.